Although Marco Banderas visits the massage parlor often, he has never seen Scarlet Red before. That's because she recently joined the parlor as a new girl, and she brings with her a warm, ambitious spirit, flowing blonde hair, and a stunning, small physique. Scarlet grins and says she'll try her best to help Marco feel at ease despite the fact that he is a little bashful about his erection issues. Scarlet's hands and mouth are soft and inviting, and you can know she's eager to please since any attractive young woman would be in the company of a more seasoned older gentleman. Marco will no longer be hesitant around her after she finishes taking care of him; instead, he will be wondering when he can schedule his next appointment!

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A Nice Gesture, Scene #01
Alex Legend, Aiden Ashley's sibling's husband, visits Aiden's house to offer a massage to his wife. Initially reluctant, Aiden agrees due to financial difficulties. As a test, Aiden undresses and massages himself and Alex, with Aiden slipping her body over him. As they become more comfortable, Aiden's genuineness dispels her doubts. As Alex wriggles and appears reserved, Aiden's genuineness entices her. Aiden offers a happy ending to help him relax, and despite his intention to give his wife a gift, he ends up receiving the favor.