Legendary director John "Buttman" Stagliano showcases the backdoor skills of seductive Sheena Shaw, exotic Mischa Brooks, stunning Brooklyn Lee, feisty Jada Stevens, sweetly submissive Henessy, curvaceous Layla Price, and naturally bodacious Marina Visconti in this epic collection (almost two hours long!) of intimate anal clips. These gorgeous female pupils use a range of weird objects to stretch and stimulate their delicate buttholes, causing their sensitive sphincters to wink and gape in delight. Legendary director John "Buttman" Stagliano showcases the backdoor skills of seductive Sheena Shaw, exotic Mischa Brooks, stunning Brooklyn Lee, feisty Jada Stevens, sweetly submissive Henessy, curvaceous Layla Price, and naturally bodacious Marina Visconti in this epic collection (almost two hours long!) of intimate anal clips. These gorgeous female pupils extend and