Greg (Ken Feels) shows his spouse Morgan (Reagan Foxx) around a residence where the living room is filled with moving boxes. Morgan enthusiastically makes out with Greg, appearing thrilled with the house. However, Greg decides he'll go find something to eat and drives out, leaving Morgan inside the house, after realizing there is nothing in the kitchen cabinets. Greg notices a young man and woman hitchhiking on the side of the road as he is driving. Greg stops the car and asks the hitchhikers if they've eaten recently, despite his reservations. Greg informs the couple they can get in the car after they claim not to have. Thanking him, the hitchhikers identify themselves as Tyler Cruise's character Wes and Liz Jordan's character Carrie. Greg shows up at the house with Wes and Carrie, and Morgan doesn't seem happy about the unannounced visitors. Morgan directly asks Wes and Carrie what they're fleeing at a tense supper. Wes and Carrie assert that they are siblings while saying they don't want to discuss the matter. Greg grants Wes and Carrie permission to spend the night at the residence. With great pleasure, Wes and Carrie accept and head to one of the bedrooms. However, Morgan becomes angry and fights with Greg, claiming that this was meant to be their special night. Morgan tells Greg not to leave her alone in the house with two strangers, but Greg storms out as the debate comes to a close. Carrie and Wes plan to take advantage of Greg's absence. It is discovered that they lied about being siblings as they conspire together. Actually, they're a husband and wife team, and they're absolutely up to no mischief. As Carrie slips into the living room, she discovers Morgan's pocketbook. However, Morgan catches Carrie in the act as she searches through the purse's contents and grabs her by the hair. Carrie says she'll yell for Wes even if she finds herself surprisingly turned on. Carrie can take care of him too, Morgan says her with confidence. There's obviously more to Morgan than meets the eye as Wes walks into the room, but who will win this match? There's obviously more to Morgan than meets the eye as Wes walks into the room, but who will win this match?