Paul (Tommy Pistol) and Brian (Alex Mack), two accomplished and close friends, enter a cafe. They place their orders with Amy (Paige Owens), a cute young waiter. Amy sparks a flirtatious exchange between Paul and Brian. Paul claims he can tell Amy is new since he would have remembered if he had seen Amy's attractive face previously. Amy is ready to prepare their orders after being amused and flattered. Then another man enters the cafe. Acknowledging Brian, he introduces himself as Jason Black (Clarke Kent), a fellow graduate of Brian's high school. Paul seems surprised when he hears the name. After some small talk to catch up, Brian introduces Jason to Paul, mentioning that they both attended the same high school. Could this mean that Jason is acquainted with Paul as well? Paul believes he DID know Jason, but with caution. Jason appears to be amused to see Paul, but Paul doesn't appear to be feeling the same way. Amy then walks over to the table and asks Jason, "What are you doing here?" with a smile. It comes out that Jason is her parent. With pride, he calls Amy his "brilliant little angel," noting that she works hard in school and gets good grades. When Jason reveals to Amy that Paul and Brian attended the same high school as him, Amy appears happy that the three guys are getting together for a brief reunion. Paul becomes furious as Amy and Jason leave Brian and Paul alone. He tells Brian that Jason was his bully in high school and that he caused him a lot of pain. Even though it's evident from their brief meeting that Paul is leading a far more successful life than Jason now, Paul is still bitter and angry about what Jason did to Paul hatches a strategy and tells Brian that fucking Amy would be a MUCH more pleasurable form of retaliation.