In the heart of Gotham, the enigmatic Poison Ivy, played by the captivating Melanie Hicks, finds her quiet evening disrupted by an unexpected visitor. Detective Jonathan Jordan appears at her doorstep, his curiosity piqued about her connections to the notorious Harley Quinn and Mr. J. But Ivy, ever the cunning performer, has no intention of revealing her secrets so easily. "You're Ivy, right?" the detective presses, inviting himself into her lush greenhouse sanctuary. But Melanie, slipping effortlessly into her role as the elusive Pamela, feigns ignorance. "No, I'm Pamela," she purrs, her eyes gleaming with a secret amusement. Excuse herself she does, only to return in a spectacle of green lingerie that leaves the detective speechless. This is where Melanie's performance truly begins to shine. Releasing her intoxicating pheromones, she ensnares the detective in her web of desire, steering his focus away from the questions he's so determined to ask. "Now how about we have some fun together?" she suggests, her voice laced with temptation. Kneeling before him, she unveils his impressive BBC, setting the stage for a breathtaking display of her skills. Her green bra falls away, and she demonstrates her prowess, drawing out a performance that leaves the detective spellbound. With his BBC now at full attention, Melanie takes control, climbing atop him in a mesmerizing cowgirl ride. Her every bounce is a testament to her skill, her every moan a symphony of pleasure. She transitions seamlessly into reverse cowgirl, then onto all fours, each position a new act in her captivating show. But there's a twist in this tale. Mid-thrust, the detective yelps in pain. "I planted a seed in your balls," Melanie whispers, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "You have 10 minutes to cum, or else." The clock is ticking, and the detective is now a pawn in her game. She takes him into her mouth once more, her deep throat skills on full display. The detective, unable to resist her charms, pulls out just in time to mark her face and mouth with his release. But the show isn't over yet. "You have to work for me now," she declares, her voice commanding. "You are going to forget all about Harley and Mr. J." And with that, she kicks him out of her greenhouse, her performance complete, her conquest secured. "Bagged me another dirty cop in Gotham!" she giggles to herself, the final line in her thrilling performance. Melanie Hicks, as Poison Ivy, has once again proven her prowess, leaving her audience eager for more. Will you dare to watch her in action?