Capri introduces herself and offers Aurora a complimentary massage at her parlor, acting as the considerate neighbor because Aurora recently moved to the area. You can see where this massage is going from the moment Capri meets Aurora since she is immediately observing her. Capri uses her perfumed oil to gently massage every part of Aurora in an attempt to relax her and make her receptive to the concept of feeling wonderful. It is crucial to get Aurora to calm down since she cannot predict whether or not she will be receptive to experiencing a lesbian encounter. Capri questions Aurora's past experiences with women as she casually plays with her pussy lips and ass. Capri only needed to hear this to get motivated to pursue Aurora seriously. Watch as she displays her own enormous titties while massaging Aurora's breasts. Now that the two women are nude, the XXX fun starts. As they make love and get sexy, Capri leans down to touch Aurora's wetness. Aurora is sucking her clit while she fingers her hole, and Capri is slow and sensual. She finds Aurora easy to cum, and her pussy juice gets all over Capri's deft fingertips. Capri is the next to exit and cums straight into Aurora's mouth.

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