Flynt, poor thing. When Kimberly Kendall insisted on trying out her recently arrived massage oils on him, all he wanted to do was deliver a gift to her at her massage business. Flynt is aware that he will be late for the remainder of his route, but he finds it difficult to turn down a gorgeous like Kimberly. She starts to work out all the kinks in his cock since she can feel the strain building up in his body. Kimberly appreciates that Flynt looks well, works out, and takes care of himself. Kimberly chooses to give Flynt an intense verbal abuse as a token of appreciation for serving as her oil tester. Observe her as she jams his massive dick as deep into her throat as possible. As her spit becomes wet, you can hear it striking the back of her mouth. Flynt ultimately sits down at the table with Kimberly, and we get to see incredible close-ups of him fingering her pink hole and tonguing her dark pussy lips. Kimberly rubs Flynt's cum all over her cheeks and lips while letting him finish over her face and in her mouth.