Kelly's dad owns a massage parlour and is frequently urging her to get a massage at the establishment where she works. Asa is a gorgeous man. Kelly chooses to accept her offer one afternoon. Upon arriving at the parlour, she discovers that Asa has been mistakenly assigned to be her masseur. She tries to calm down even though she is a little anxious about her stepmother rubbing her. Asa apologises and says she wants to make up to Kelly before the massage begins. Kelly asks Asa why she is always so mean to her. She accomplishes this by tenderly, sensually rubbing Kelly's beautiful tits. At first, Kelly is a little scared, but it feels fantastic. Kelly is so at ease and sensual that she lets Asa do anything she wants as Asa's hands move up her thighs to her tight pussy. Asa turns her over, sticks her tongue in Kelly's ass, and buries a finger in her pussy. Kelly's whole body trembles with her intense cums. She was unaware of her intense attraction to females and her stepmother's exceptional ability to seduce them.