Scene opens in a pub with a young man named Bradley (Seth Gamble) approaching Annie (Lola Fae). Bradley is a kind person that she likes to spend time with, so when she sees him, her eyes light up. He seems to be genuinely enamoured with her, wanting to spoil and look after her...He can't seem to get his hands off her though, so they go off to the bathroom to play. She goes with Bradley after their playdate, even though she knows she shouldn't really. Bradley is happy to pamper her as soon as they get to his motel room, especially when it appears that she is getting distracted. She hesitates before telling him about her family's terrible situation when he questions her about it. Her stepbrothers and father are really awful people. She goes above and beyond to make ends meet because of them. Hearing about Annie's sufferings is terrible for Bradley. He would take care of her forever if she would allow him. Hell, if she catches his drift, he'll go take care of her family as well. Although Annie is thrilled at the prospect of protection and safety, she is adamant that Bradley leave her family out of this. No, why not make a joint escape instead? Leave all of this behind? Bradley views this as a dream come true, and their passionate reunion at the end seals the deal. Is everything as it seems, though?